The best (overall) frequency reference I have is in my Racal-Dana 1992 frequency counter, which has the ovenized oscillator option 04A. It's great, but calibrating it with the equipment I have is an annoying task. I calibrate it against GPS. However, as GPS time is stable enough only in the long term, it requires measuring a lot of GPS PPS samples. This takes a long time, and even longer if I want to adjust the time base. This got me thinking if I could automate the process, and after some thought I realized the best approach would be a GPS disciplined oscillator.
While there are commercial GPSDO devices for sale, I can't justify the cost for buying one. I could however design and build one. Turns out I can justify much higher cost for such a project, as there's a a lot of benefit in the learning experience.
My goal would be to produce 10MHz +- 1ppb. I also want to keep the phase noise low, but that's somewhat secondary and without quantitative requirements.
The GPS modules I've used are really old Fastrax parts. They are specified to 50ns RMS jitter on the PPS output. Not great, but workable. This pushes the integration time to around 1 hour to get down to 1 ns jitter. I would not trust the PPS pulse below a 1 hour window anyway (more on that later). Anyway, this puts a requirement on the stability of the oscillator: it would need to be stable (better than +-1ppb) for much longer than the GPS integration period - say 10 hours. This puts me well into the OCXO domain.
DIY OCXO - fail
I happen to have some old VCTCXOs (voltage controlled temperature compensated crystal oscillator), which I found thrown out years ago. They seemed high quality and expensive (from Rakon), so I always wanted to find a use for them. I first thought to build temperature control around one of those and convert it to an OCXO. Using a DS18B20 and PWM controlling a heater I managed to get the temperature to be controlled well within 0.1 degrees Celsius. However, I could not get the crystal oscillator to behave though. I kept the control voltage grounded to make sure any noise on the control voltage wasn't causing the issue. In the end it may have been due to the supply voltage sensitivity of the part, which is not too good at +-300 ppb for +-5% supply voltage. This would require about 1 mV stability for the supply voltage for my application.
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Rakon VCTCXO frequency and temperature, moving average over 5 minutes Measured with Racal-Dana 1992 and DS18B20 |
Looking around the internets, I found that all the cool cats are playing with OSC5A2B02 OCXOs, which are available on Aliexpress for very cheap. So I ordered some. At about 3€ a piece it didn't seem like a too big investment.
OSC5A2B02 testing
The OSC5A2B02 is much less sensitive to supply variations (+-2ppb for +-5% supply voltage), so just about any regulator suffices. What is important to note however is the control voltage sensitivity, which is about 1000 ppb per volt, or equivalently 1ppb per millivolt. For the initial tests, I simply grounded the control voltage to eliminate it's contribution.
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OSC5A2B02 frequency (insulated in PE foam), moving average over 5 minutes Measured with Racal-Dana 1992 |
The variation was much larger than the datasheet of the oscillator promised. This is when I realized, that I actually didn't have a clear idea of what the stability of my frequency counter was, and that I could just be seeing it's variation.
To get a better idea of the frequency counter variation, and thus the true stability of the OCXO, I connected a GPS PPS on the B channel of the frequency counter.
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OSC5A2B02 frequency (top) and GPS PPS (bottom), moving average over 20 minutes Measured with Racal-Dana 1992 |
Bingo! Turns out most of the variation observed in the OSC5A2B02 frequency is actually due to variation of my frequency counter! Who would have guessed that a 3€ Aliexpress OCXO today is so much better than an instrument worth thousands in the 1980s.
Normalizing the OCXO frequency with the PPS frequency (after heavy filtering), the OCXO appears to be within +-1ppb over a day as long as there is no control voltage variation.
Phase noise and jitter
The OCXO datasheet gives some spot values for the phase noise:
- -80 dBc @ 1 Hz
- -120 dBc @ 10 Hz
- -140 dBc @ 100 Hz
- -145 dBc @ 1 kHz
- -150 dBc @ 10 kHz
Control voltage generation
As said earlier, the control voltage is about 1 ppb per millivolt over a range of 4 volts total. Using 16 bit discretization for the range leads to about 0.06 ppb resolution. To get a ballpark figure of how least significant bit transitions affect the phase noise, let's consider the case of modulating the 10 MHz carrier by +-0.03 ppb ( = +-0.3 mHz) at 1 Hz frequency (assume single tone sinusoidal modulation for simplicity). This is given by
\[ y(t) = \cos(2 \pi f_c t + A \sin(2 \pi f_m t)) \]
In which \( A = \frac{\Delta f}{f_m} = \frac{0.3 \text{mHz}}{1 \text{Hz}} = 3 \cdot 10^{-4} \).
Using the sum of angles identity for cosine, we get
\[ y(t) = \cos(2 \pi f_c t) \cos(A \sin(2 \pi f_m t)) - \sin(2 \pi f_c t) \sin(A \sin(2 \pi f_m t)) \]
Since \( A << 1 \) we can approximate \( \cos(A \sin(2 \pi f_m t)) \approx 1 \) and \( \sin(A \sin(2 \pi f_m t)) \approx A \sin(2 \pi f_m t) \). This gives
\[ y(t) \approx \cos(2 \pi f_c t) - A \sin(2 \pi f_c t) \sin(2 \pi f_m t) \]
And finally, by the sine product identity we get
\[ y(t) \approx \cos(2 \pi f_c t) + \frac{A}{2} ( \cos(2 \pi (f_c+f_m) t) - \cos(2 \pi (f_c - f_m) t) ) \]
Thus considering the single sideband phase noise, we see that the modulating frequency is attenuated by \( \frac{A}{2} \) with respect to the carrier, which is -76.5 dBc with our numbers - or an additive 3.3 ps. So not great, but not terrible - especially if we minimize the occurrence of transitions by adding some hysteresis. Anyway, we shouldn't use any less than 16 bits of resolution.
The next issue is how to implement a 16 bit DAC cheaply. Here a pretty obvious candidate is to use PWM. Proper DAC chips with 16 bits cost close to 10 euros, while PWM and a lot of filtering can be achieved with less than a euro. Much less than 1 Hz of bandwidth is perfectly fine, so the question is just how much filtering is needed. Assume the PWM repetition period is 400 Hz and amplitude is 4V. Take then the attenuation of the filter as \(G\). Recalling that the sensitivity of the OCXO is 1 ppm per volt, the power of such a modulation relative to the carrier is given by \( 0.05 G \) (Later edit. Reading back this text, I was as confused as you are about where I got this the number. The factor comes from the above calculation, where we see that modulating the phase with amplitude A is seen as a spur of relative amplitude A/2 at an offset frequency. A 4V control modulation causes a 4 ppm change in the frequency, i.e. 40 Hz. The phase modulation amplitude is thus A = 40 Hz / 400 Hz = 0.1. Half of this is seen in the output, thus 0.05 or about -26 dBc). To push the additive jitter down to the same scale as the intrinsic jitter of the oscillator, the attenuation needs to be at least 44 dB. This should be easily achievable with simple RC filters.
The main issue with the control voltage is thus the stability requirement. The control voltage reference should remain within 1 mV over several hours. This could be combated with a high stability voltage reference. Problem is that those are expensive, and I would like to keep everything as cheap as possible. As we already have a temperature control loop (in the OCXO itself that is), we might as well use that to keep a voltage reference at constant temperature also. Turns out a TL431C has a typical stability of 4 mV over the entire temperature range, and hopefully better than 1 mV when kept at constant voltage. Also turns out TL431s are really cheap.
The plan is to implement the PLL using a microcontroller. The uC would be clocked from the OCXO and it times the interval between PPS pulses. This allows determining the OCXO frequency.
The OCXO works on 5V. It would be useful if the microcontroller would also operate on a 5V supply. It also needs to have hardware input capture features, allowing precise measurement of the PPS period against the OCXO frequency. And like everything else, it must be cheap. As luck would have it, I recently ordered 50 units of CH32V003 controllers for 0.20€ per piece (including shipping). They check all the boxes for this project. The even have an internal PLL to allow doubling the 10 MHz OCXO clock for improved timing resolution.
I implemented a very quick hack of the system on a CH32V003. It is clocked from the OSC5A2B02 with an internal PLL configured to double the frequency. This clock is used to drive a timer peripheral, which is configured for input capture from the PPS pulse. Timer resolution is increased in software from the HW provided 16 bits to 32 bits - otherwise a full PPS period could not be counted.
After each captured PPS pulse, a simple validation is performed to try to ignore erroneous pulses. A simple PI controller then controls to minimize the frequency error (frequency lock loop). The controller is just parametrized by the control bandwidth and was designed to have critically damped dynamics. Controlling just the frequency still leaves an uncontrolled phase error. I'll be looking into that too, but so far it is of no concern.
The DAC is implemented with a 16 bit PWM running at 305 Hz and filtered with a ~0.2 Hz (-3 dB) first order lowpass filter. The filtering leaves a lot to desire, and this will have to be improved for the final product. The voltage reference is provided by a jellybean TL431C, which is not temperature controlled.
Crude schematic of the prototype voltage control |
Operating the control voltage as shown in the figure above allows reducing the full swing range, which increases resolution.
Experiments with the prototype have shown better than expected performance. Though I'm still lacking a data channel for the GPS data, which means that I don't know when the PPS is valid, nor can I keep absolute phase. This leads to some bad samples passing validation and causing trouble.
Closed loop controlled frequency, locked to GPS PPS GPS PPS moving average over 5 minutes |
75 hour long term stability experiment GPS PPS moving average over 1 hour |
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