Nils Berglund, who is the author of many amazing simulation videos on Youtube, recently posted videos showing visualizations of waves on a sphere. In particular, this video caught my eye, depicting tsunami waves of the 2011 Japan earthquake travelling across the Pacific ocean.
In fact, back in 2011 I had made a very similar visualization inspired by the events, and later uploaded it to Youtube - see video below. The video was made as promotional material to get new students to major in mathematics at Aalto University. At that time I was a graduate student at the maths department working toward my PhD.
Anyway, it was as an undegrad in 2007 when I first got interested in solving the wave equation on the sphere. I had been studying the finite element method with great interest, and had programmed my own simple implementation of nodal P1 elements on triangles. I had succesfully used that to solve waves in planar domains - see video below. I thought that in order to solve the wave equation on a sphere, I would just use a mesh approximating the sphere instead. Turns out it's almost as simple as that, but there are a couple nontrivial details.
My undergrad studies included a mandatory "special assignment". These assignments were often to write a research paper on a subject - though they were published only internally at the department. I suggested to my professor that as my assignment I could study solving the wave equation on spheres using FEM.
Now, finally, I thought I'd revisit the topic, and have something generic written down on the subject a bit more publicly.
Wave equation and the finite element method
To get up to speed, let's look at the wave equation and the finite element method in a quick and non-rigorous fashion. The wave equation (in strong form) is
in which \( \ddot{u} \) is the second derivative with respect to time, \( c \) is the wave speed, which we'll just take as 1 from here on, and \( \Omega \) is the domain in which we're solving the equation at. In addition, there are initial conditions and boundary conditions that need to be described, but let's skip those for now.
FEM works with the weak formulation of the problem. To get the weak form from the strong form, both sides of the equation are multiplied by a test function \( v\) and integrated over the domain \( \Omega \). Integration by parts is applied to reduce the regularity requirement of \( u \) from 2 derivatives down to 1. The weak form is then: find \( u \in V \) such that
\[ \int_\Omega \ddot{u} v\ \mathrm{d}x + \int_\Omega \nabla u \cdot \nabla v\ \mathrm{d}x = 0 \quad \forall v \in V \]
With FEM, as with other Galerkin methods, we replace the space \(V\) with a finite dimensional approximation \(V_h\). We come up with a basis \( \{v_1,\ldots,v_N\} \) of \(V_h\), and write the finite dimensional approximate solution \( u_h \) as
\[ u_h = \sum_{i=1}^N U_i v_i \]
The problem then becomes: find \( U_i \) such that
The idea in the finite element method specifically is to define the basis functions \( v_i \) using a mesh, which fills the domain \(\Omega\). Assuming now a triangular mesh, a simple approach is to take each basis function as a piecewise first order polynomial, each piece being one triangle. Then, assign \(v_i = 1\) when evaluated at vertex \(p_i\), and \(v_i = 0\) when evaluated at any other vertex.
The integrals can be written as the sum of the separate contributions from each element
For any given \(i\) and \(j\), on the vast majority of the elements, \(v_i\) or \(v_j\) (or both) is identially zero on the element, and thus they don't contribute to the integral. Contributions come from only the triangles, that contain both vertex \(p_i\) and vertex \(p_j\).
Now, to actually compute the integrals over a triangle, a standard trick is to do a change of variables and perform the integration over a reference triangle instead. A coordinate on the reference triangle \( \hat{x} \) is easily mapped to \( x \) on the target triangle \(T\) via an affine transform \( x = A_T \hat{x} + b_T \). Let's take the triangle \(\hat{T}\) with vertices \( \hat{p}_1 = (0,0) \), \( \hat{p}_2 = (1,0) \), \( \hat{p}_3 = (0,1) \) as our reference triangle. With this choice, and the fact that affine transforms map first order polynomials back to first order polynomials, the basis functions can be expressed on the reference element in a simple way.
The 3 basis functions on the reference element are such that they get the value 1 in one vertex and 0 in the others. Written explicitly, they are
Here's where things get at bit non-standard from the usual FEM implementation. Our reference element lives in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) while the global element lives in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). This means that the matrix in our affine mapping is non-square, and we need to be a bit more careful with considering how the area scales and how the functions change under the change of variables.
Usually, with the change of variables \(x = f(\hat{x})\), we see the differential area element change as \( \mathrm{d}x = |\det J_f(\hat{x})| \), where \( J_f(\hat{x}) \) is the Jacobian of \( f(\hat{x}) \). This does not however make sense for a non-square \(J_f\) and thus something more general is needed. Turns out, that a slightly more general expression for the differential area element is \( \mathrm{d}x = \sqrt{\det J_f(\hat{x})^t J_f(\hat{x}) }\ \mathrm{d}\hat{x} \). Since \(J_f^t J_f\) is always square, this is well-defined in our case. Note, that in the case where \(J_f\) is square, this reduces to exactly the usual form. In our case, the Jacobian of the mapping is simply the matrix \(A_T\) of the affine transform, and we have \(\mathrm{d}x = \sqrt{\det A_T^t A_T}\ \mathrm{d}\hat{x} \).
The contribution of element \(T\) to \(M_{ij}\) can be computed as
While that's all for the mass matrix, for the stiffness matrix we have the additional headache of how the gradient will transform under the mapping. For basis function \(v_i\) we have \(v_i(x) = v_i(A_T \hat{x} + b_T) = \hat{v}_\hat{i}(\hat{x})\). Skipping a bit of detail for brevity, it follows from the chain rule that \( (\nabla \hat{v}_\hat{i})(\hat{x}) = A_T^t (\nabla v_i)(x) \), which by itself is enough for the typical case as \(A_T^t\) is invertible. For our case, however, we must consider additionally that the gradient \((\nabla v_i)(x)\) is actually a vector in the tangent space of \(\Omega\) at \(x\). Since the tangent space of \(\Omega\) within element \(T\) is spanned by the range of \(A_T\), there must exist some \(g\) such that \((\nabla v_i)(x) = A_T g\). Thus
\[ A_T^t A_T g = (\nabla \hat{v}_\hat{i})(\hat{x}) \]
from which it follows that
\[ g = (A_T^t A_T)^{-1} (\nabla \hat{v}_\hat{i})(\hat{x}) \]
After spatial discretization with FEM we're left with the ordinary differential equation
\[ M \ddot{U} + K U = 0 \]
Without going into detail, the problem is particularly well suited for e.g. the Crank-Nicolson method or the leapfrog integration method. These methods are stable for undamped oscillating problems and they do not produce decaying solutions. The key word for such methods is symplectic.
For Crank-Nicolson, we'll first convert the equation into first order form as
\[ \begin{pmatrix} I & 0 \\ 0 & M \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \dot{U} \\ \ddot{U} \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & I \\ -K & 0 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} U \\ \dot{U} \end{pmatrix} \]
Denote then
\[ B = \begin{pmatrix} I & 0 \\ 0 & M \end{pmatrix} \]
\[ A = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & I \\ -K & 0 \end{pmatrix} \]
\[ z = \begin{pmatrix} U \\ \dot{U} \end{pmatrix} \]
to get
\[ B \dot{z} = A z \]
For the discretization, consider the derivative on the left size replaced by the approximation \( \frac{z_{n+1} - z_n}{\Delta t} \), and consider the function evaluation on the right side being performed at the point \( \frac{z_{n+1} + z_n}{2} \). With this, we'll arrive at
\[ B \frac{z_{n+1}-z_n}{\Delta t} = A \frac{z_{n+1} + z_n}{2} \]
The larger down-side of the Crank-Nicolson method is the requirement for solving a large non-symmetric system of equations for every time step.
Leapfrog integration
Leapfrog integration is an explicit symplectic method particularly well suited for mechanical problems, where the accelerations are due to position only, i.e. of the form
\[ \ddot{u}(t) = f(u(t)) \]
which our problem is an example of, as for our problem we have
This might look like Euler's method, but it is subtly different. The position update at \(n+1\) uses the velocity at \(n+1\) and not at \(n\) as for Euler's method.
This still requires solving a system of equations, but now the coefficient matrix is half the size as for the Crank-Nicolson method, and is also symmetric.
Turns out, however, that the mass matrix \(M\) is strongly diagonally dominant and spectrally equivalent to the identity operator. Thus, for large systems \(M\) is quite accurately approximated by a diagonal matrix that has the row (or column) sums of \(M\) as the diagonal elements. The system of equations thus becomes trivial.
In an earlier post I looked at coaxial cables over a ground plane as multiconductor transmission lines. This was to understand quarter wave folded balun operation. Computing the transmission line inductances, however, I realized that the current distribution would depend on how the return current flows.
If the current flows through the center conductor and returns through the shield, the current would be most concentrated on the outside of the center conductor, and return current would concentrate on the inside of the shield. However, if the current flows through the shield and returns through a the ground plane, then the current in the shield would concentrate on the outside part of the shield facing toward the ground plane - and return current would concentrate on the ground plane surface closest to the cable. This concentration of the current is caused by what is known as the skin and proximity effects.
The figures below show a visualization of the current density in a coax under the previously descibed situations. Coax geometry is that of RG316, which is placed very close to a ground plane. The right hand side figure shows the situation where current flows through the inner and back through the shield. while the left hand side shows the situation where current flows through the shield and back through the ground plane. Color indicates current density: dark red is maximal density into the display, dark blue is maximal density out of the display and light green is zero current density. The current is driven by a sinusoidally oscillating uniform electromotive force.
All computations in this article are performed using scikit-fem and my own code, and visualized using matplotlib.
The calculations in my earlier post didn't take these effects into account, and the current assumed a uniform density in the entire conductor in each case. This caused the inductance matrix of the transmission line system to be somewhat incorrect. I mentioned it at the time of writing that post, that accounting for this would be a whole new can of worms. It's now time to open that can.
Deriving the appropriate equations
I'll try to keep the following fairly general, but here we are mostly interested in a long multiconductor transmission line (with n conductors), with dielectrics separating the conductors from each other. The cross-section of the transmission line is assumed to remain constant along its length.
To simplify notation, we'll consider all fields as time-harmonic at frequency w, such that e.g. \(\mathbf{B}(x,y,z,t) = \mathrm{Re} \{ \mathbf{B}(x,y,z) \exp(i \omega t) \}\), and omit the time variable in the following. In particular, we'll omit writing down the time derivative operators and just expand out the result.
Inside the conductors we assume Drude's conduction model. The model gives us that \(\mathbf{J} = \sigma \mathbf{E}\) (when considering time scales significantly longer than the mean collision time). Also, it states that there is no polarization in the medium, giving \(\mathbf{D} = \epsilon_0 \mathbf{E}\). (Note: alternatively we could have assumed that there is no conduction current \(\mathbf{J}\), but that we're dealing with an extremely lossy dielectric medium. This would have been represented by a large imaginary component of the permittivity).
However, for copper and the frequencies we're intersted in, \(\sigma \mathbf{E}\) dominates \(i\omega \epsilon_0 \mathbf{E}\) by more than a factor of a million, so we'll ignore the term \(i\omega \epsilon_0 \mathbf{E}\).
Inside the insulators we assume no conduction and that \(\mathbf{D} = \epsilon \mathbf{E}\), where \(\epsilon\) is the permittivity of the insulator (and is taken as different within each material). This gives
Again, for the materials and frequencies we're interested in, \(i\omega \epsilon \mathbf{E}\) significantly smaller than \(\sigma \mathbf{E}\), and thus we can ignore this source of the magnetic field.
For simplicity, let us assume that all magnetic materials are linear and isotropic, and thus that the constitutive relation \(\mathbf{H} = \mu^{-1} \mathbf{B}\) holds within each material, where mu describes the permeability of the material (and is taken as different within each material).
To simultaneously also satisfy Gauss's law for magnetism and Faraday's law, let us take the potential field approach by introducing the magnetic vector potential \(\mathbf{A}\) and the electric potential \(\varphi\), such that \(\mathbf{B} = \nabla \times \mathbf{A}\) and \(\mathbf{E} = -\nabla \varphi - i\omega \mathbf{A}\).
Take the geometry as such that the transmission line is directed along the \(z\) coordinate direction. The cross-sectional geometry of the transmission line is then the \(xy\) plane. Consider then that for each conductor \(c\) our electric potential is such that \( (\nabla \varphi)(x,y) = -U_c \mathbf{e}_z\), when \( (x,y) \in \Omega_c\), where \(\Omega_c\) is the cross-section surface of conductor \(c\), and \(U_c\) is a given constant value. In other words, consider that for each conductor \(c\), we have some voltage drop of \(U_c\) per unit length which drives the current in the conductor.
Assume then that \(\mathbf{A} = \mathbf{A}(x,y)\), i.e. that \(\mathbf{A}\) is only a function of position in the cross-section of the transmission line and does not vary in the length-wise direction (i.e. the transmission line is long). It then follows (though not entirely trivially) that \(\mathbf{A}(x,y) = A(x,y) \mathbf{e}_z\), and our problem actually reduces to a two-dimensional scalar problem in the \(xy\) plane.
Thus, inside conductor \(c\) we have the scalar problem
\[i \omega \sigma A - \nabla \cdot (\mu^{-1} \nabla A) = \sigma U_c\]
while outside the conductors
\[-\nabla \cdot (\mu^{-1} \nabla A) = 0\]
With finite elements, and a finite computation domain, we must consider boundary conditions also. We choose to enforce the boundary condition \(\nabla A \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0\), which corresponds with the magnetic field being normal to the boundary. (Note: the boundary condition \(A = 0\) corresponds with the magnetic field being tangential to the boundary). Our choice of boundary condition results in all currents in the system always getting automatically balanced, although it's otherwise a somewhat dubious condition to enforce. The domain must be large enough that these edge effects become negligible.
The problem is then solved using standard finite element methods. The solution of course gives the magnetic vector potential. To find the currents in the conductors, we'll need to do some post-processing still. For this, we'll recall that
Let's denote \(\mathbf{J} = J \mathbf{e}_z\), so that for the scalar current density field we have
\[J = -\nabla \cdot (\mu^{-1} \nabla A),\]
which is very straightforward to compute from \(A\) using our finite element approach. Further, the total current in conductor \(c\) is then the integral
where \(\Omega_c\) is again the cross-section surface of conductor \(c\).
Consider then that the voltage gradient applied across conductor \(c\) was \(U_c\). This allows the conductor currents to be described by the admittance matrix \(\mathbf{Y}\) of the system as
To find the admittance matrix of our system, we can solve the currents \(\mathbf{I}\) a total of \(n\) separate times, each time using a different linearly independent set of voltage drops. For example, we can take \(\mathbf{U}\) as each of the members of the canonical basis in turn and solve the currents.
Perhaps an even more useful way to look at the system is the impedance matrix, which is the inverse of the admittance matrix.
\[\mathbf{Z} = \mathbf{Y}^{-1}\]
We expect that our system has some resistance, which is due to the resistivity of the conductors. This would be described by the real part of the impedance matrix. The system is also expected to exhibit inductive reactance, which is described by the imaginary part of the impedance matrix. Dividing the reactance by \(\omega\) gives us the inductance. Thus, the inductance matrix of the system is simply the imaginary part of the impedance matrix divided by \(\omega\)
A copper conductor of 1 mm diameter is subjected to various frequencies of AC excitation. The permeability of both copper and air in this system are taken as approximately \(\mu_0\), which is the vacuum permeability.
Current density is visualized in the cross-section surface with color, but also along the diameter as a 1D plot.
Coaxial cable
A coax of RG316 dimensions
Inner conductor OD: 0.53 mm
Inner insulator OD: 1.53 mm
Outer conductor OD: 1.98 mm
Outer insulator OD: 2.5 mm
is placed over a ground plane, with center to plane height 1.75 mm. All conductors are made of copper, while \(\mu \approx \mu_0\) for all materials, where \(\mu_0\) is the vacuum permeability.
Consider the two cases:
Current is balanced between inner and outer conductors: no current flows through the ground plane
Current flows through the outer conductor and ground plane: no current flows through the inner conductor
Inner - outer
Outer - ground plane
Differential microstrip
Take a differential microstrip of dimensions
Trace width: 0.2mm
Trace separation: 0.2mm
Trace thickness: 0.035mm
PCB layer thickness: 0.2mm
All conductors are made of copper, with \(\sigma = 5.96\ \mathrm{S} \mathrm{m}^{-1}\) while \(\mu \approx \mu_0\) for all materials, where \(\mu_0\) is the vacuum permeability.
Consider two cases:
The current enters the left conductor and returns via the right conductor: the odd mode
The current enters through both the left conductor and the right conductor and returns through the ground plane: the even mode
Odd mode
Even mode
The higher the frequency, the more concentrated the current and return current are toward each other. With increasing frequency the current is passing through an ever decreasing cross-sectional area. Thus the resistance increases with frequency. On the other hand, the closer the opposite currents are moving to each other, the more the resulting magnetic fields cancel each other out. Thus the inductance decreases with increasing frequency.
The GPS ICD (specifically Appendix II of the document IS-GPS-200) specifies something called Special Messages transmitted in the GPS LNAV message. The field, which is transmitted as page 17 of subframe 4, is described as "specific contents at the discretion of the
Operating Command" and that "it shall accommodate the transmission of 22 eight-bit ASCII characters". As ASCII tends to be used for encoding text, this sounds like a global one-way short message service.
To add to the mystery of this message, there doesn't appear to be any further information about this message online. It is sometimes mentioned as being part of the LNAV message with some quote of the ICD text. I have not been able to find anything on the contents. Is it actually in use? What are the actual data contained within? Given that the LNAV data is globally broadcast, it's surprising that this information is not readily available.
Over a few years, I've been on-and-off learning about GPS by attempting to build my own GPS receiver. This spring I've got the point where I can track a satellite in real-time and collect data from it. On March 15 (around 20:45 UTC). I got several minutes worth of good data from PRN 32. Among the data was one instance of page 17 of subframe 4. I decoded the content of the special message as:
The parity bits of all words in the subframe were correct, and the decoded characters match the valid character set defined in the ICD. Overall I'm very confident that I have decoded the contents correctly. The field is thus obviously in some use. but it's a bit of a dissapointment that the meaning of the contents is not immediately obvious.
Now, it's not yet clear to me if all satellites transmit the same message. In fact, it's not even clear if a single satellite transmits the same contents on each message repetition. I'll be looking into these in the future as I get more data :-)